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Handmade Crosses

Help you cultivate love, respect, peace, and happiness at home.
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Handmade Crosses

“Never let your home be without a cross upon its walls,” Saint John Vianney once advised. It’s a good guideline for Christians, because the Cross (or the Crucifix) is a solid reminder of the great love of Christ and of our commitment to Him. Displaying the Cross is also a way to declare our home as a dwelling of Christianity, showing our guests that we embrace our faith and are not ashamed of it.

Each of our crosses are unique and handcrafted from wood makes a beautiful wall hanging. It’s the perfect gift for anyone who loves Christianity, as it is a symbol of faith and strength. The wood is sturdy and durable, making it a lasting tribute to your loved one’s beliefs.

Order Bespoke Cross
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To use this element install or activate XStore theme
To use this element install or activate XStore theme
To use this element install or activate XStore theme